Interlinked Futures Project

Landscape with mountains, buildings and many floating balloons, with a web of connections between.

This project focuses on new advances in interconnected computing technology, to identify issues related to UK Critical National Infrastructure (CNI), from 2023 to 2040. It includes a Delphi 91社区 and a Workshop.

The project builds on previous work with futurists forecasting the future implications of ubiquitous connectivity, artificial intelligence, mixed reality, low and no-code solutions, and digital ownership, where these challenge UK wellbeing and values. The timeframe we are considering is the next 15 years or so, specifically to 2040 and will identify specific ways in which the forecast changes may affect different aspects of the 13 CNI sectors and related national interests.

The research focusses on possible issues—technical, sociotechnical, and societal—and attempts to establish both possible Impacts and Likelihood for those issues.

The process uses the Delphi study methodology, and includes:

  • Interviews with a range of experts, to include where possible; government and policymakers, CNI security experts, police, and technical specialists in AI and mixed reality.
  • Surveys, of academic literature, and of wider ‘grey literature’ sources—such as strategic policy reports, technical visions as those for 6G, and other publications by experts.

See for earlier forecasting work from the project team.

This project is funded by the .


Are you a professional futurist, journalist or expert with insights into future computing technology? Would you be interested in gaining insights on future risks in Critical National Infrastructure from a group of experts? We invite you to participate in our - please contact Charles Weir to take part.

Research Team