A group of secondary school students participating in a gardening project


University of Cumbria resources

University of Cumbria have developed a number of teaching modules and resources connected to the Morecambe Bay Curriculum. Go to their .

Loving where we live

  • provide support for educators interested in their locality.
  • help teachers and young people explore their local history.
  • have collated an
  • is a nature and wellbeing programme, offering people living in Morecambe Bay the opportunity to get outdoors and connect with nature.
  • is North Lancashire’s sustainable food network
  • provides resources including a digital map that brings greater awareness to Lancaster's historical involvement in trans-Atlantic slavery.
  • that support young people to communicate with their local MP about Climate change
  • help schools become more energy efficient and fight climate change
  • – more information about the habitat and saltmarshes of the area
  • is a great way to see an overview of greenspace in the district

Loving our planet

  • by the Eden Project Education Team
  • shares positive stories with a focus on the environment and how everyday people make a difference.
  • Dynamic Earth have developed .
  • provides free green resources for teachers and parents alongside their consultancy
  • helps us understand the eco-terminology that can sometimes be confusing.
  • - CBeebies programme with interactive map for schools to upload and tag photos to identify 'Tiny Wonders' of interest.
  • Oxfam have developed aimed at ages 17-14, connected to the Science, English and Geography curriculum.
  • The Field Studies Council provide connected to the curriculum.
  • Outdoor learning educational resources by .
  • : a guide to increasing people's connection to nature by the University of Derby.
  • is a free CPD course offered by Edinburgh University.
  • The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) offer supportive resources for schools developing gardens at the .
  • produce resources that focus on personal, social and environmental wellbeing.
  • This Wakelet features links to projects and resources looking at as a context for learning and teaching.
  • from the National Trust.

Climate Literacy: An MBC Teacher Resource

We’ll be regularly providing a word of the month. Let's empower our pupils through language. Why not use as a double-sided printable starter or display on your board?

The editable format with all of the MBC glossary words can be found on our .
