Go Wild for Wildflowers with the Eden Project

Picture of wildflowers
National Wildflower Centre seeds in Bloom

Our friends at Eden have got the tips and tricks you need to sow, grow, and nurture wildflowers (even if you’re surrounded by concrete and tarmac) and it’s the perfect time to get planting. To link your wildflowers to the curriculum Eden Project have a growing bank of free primary teaching resources linked to science, geography and history.

Here’s 3 reasons why wildflowers in schools are a great idea:

1. More nature and more engagement with nature is good for people and the planet.

2. Taking action for nature together is a key tool to address climate or eco anxiety.

?3. Outdoor learning that is nature-connected and curriculum-linked is an opportunity for every child to meaningfully engage with nature.

In particular, the MBC team love Eden's catchy tune about sowing wildflowers:

Go school wild for wildflowers at your school

Pupils sowing wildflowers

Pupils from Clepington Primary sow wildflower seeds. Credit Chris Scott

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