Two students laughing together

Working with Schools and Colleges

Find out how the Faculty of Health and Medicine can work with your students.

Schools and Colleges
Medical Student in Clinical Skills Lab

Access to Medicine

Access to Medicine (part of the Lancaster Access Programme) helps students in Year 12 to discover medicine as a possible future career and supports them to apply to medical school in the future. Students who partake in Access to Medicine will discover what it's like to learn at Lancaster Medical School and receive expert advice and guidance about how to make a successful medical application. If they successfully complete all aspects of the programme, they may be offered a guaranteed interview should they choose to apply to Lancaster Medical School in the future.

Access to Medicine

Activities for Schools and Colleges

Two students on bikes in the Human Performance Lab

Sports and Exercise Science

We offer interactive taster sessions and workshops for students, schools and colleges. We can also deliver sessions and experience days on campus within our Human Performance Laboratory.

School and College Visits

If you’d like a representative from the Faculty of Health and Medicine or Lancaster Medical School to visit your school or college, please get in touch.

Students in a classroom

School Visits from Lancaster Medical School

Lancaster Medical School delivers a range of activities aimed at students in years 10-13. Topics can include the differences between medical schools and how to decide on a shortlist; what it's like to study medicine; why applicants need work experience and tips on how to get it; and Lancaster Medical School admissions processes. We also offer workshops to introduce Problem Based Learning for years 10-13 and to prepare for the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) for years 12-13.

If you’d like a representative from Lancaster Medical School to visit your school or college, please contact us on

Resources for Teachers

10 great reasons to become a Sport and Exercise Scientist

Let's raise aspirations and inspire the next generation of Sports and Exercise Scientists!

Often students struggle to consider career paths after school, college or even university. Our downloadable poster has been designed to spark ideas and link opportunities to find out more about a future in Sports and Exercise Science.

Interactive in nature, QR codes will take the reader directly to useful webpages to find out more about how Sport and Exercise Science impacts health, performance, policy, and the economy, and links to the British Association of Sports and Exercise Science (BASES) careers guide.

Human performance testing

Our Human Performance Lab is equipped with elite sporting and clinical technology, used to capture and analyse physiological and biomechanical data to better understand human performance and activity. The videos below show three important tests used within Sports and Exercise Science.

Let our students show you what they love about their undergraduate programmes.

Students from across our undergraduate subject areas of Medicine, Sports and Exercise Science and our range of Bioscience programmes, show what they think about studying at 91社区. From the joy of discovering new aspects of the human body to building confidence in themselves and their abilities to finding solutions to global challenges, our students grow throughout their studies.