Fylde Extrav

College Life

Sustainability Challenge

The Sustainability Challenge engages students in the environmental debate and gives college teams the opportunity to come up with ideas aimed at making the University more sustainable. The teams are given a number of weeks to prepare, following which they pitch their ideas to a panel of professional judges. The final takes place in week nine of Lent term and coincides with Green Lancaster Week.

In 2016 Bowland College won the inaugural with their proposal to tackle energy consumption habits on campus through collective smart metering and encouraging positive change.

In 2017 the Bowland team proposed the implementation of a Community Fridge to help fight food waste and improve student food security at the University. Following the team's success as runners-up in the competition, Bowland College, the Students' Union and Facilities launched the 91社区 Community Fridge on Monday 5th June.

Located in Bowland College, by the porters' lodge, the fridge will be a place to freely exchange surplus food or collect free food that would otherwise go to waste. If you are interested in volunteering on the project, please email green@lancaster.ac.uk. To follow developments on the project, please ‘like’ on our .

Sustainability challenge team, wearing orange Fylde T-shirts.
Fylde students

Inter-College Quiz

Each year, the eight Undergraduate Colleges competes in a University Challenge style quiz. Questions are set by academic staff from across the University, who usually also judge the various heats and of course, the nail-biting final!

Mixed netball

Carter Shield

The Carter Shield is played every fortnight throughout the year. All nine colleges take part in a variety of sports such as volleyball, rounders, dodgeball and tag-rugby, there is something for everyone. Each sport counts for a different number of points and the college with the most at the end of the year is awarded the carter shield. All members of the university are allowed to take part in Carter Shield events, so if you are interested in representing Fylde, our sports rep Abi Fletcher will be able to give you more details.

Global Experiences

Lancaster presents a range of opportunities to engage with people from diverse cultures, this can be done through living, studying and socialising with people from all over the world, through vacation travel, study abroad or through short courses designed to develop skills and support employability. Visit Global Experiences to see just how far you could go.

College Sports

Fylde has numerous opportunities for engagement with both indoor and outdoor sports for all abilities. The college has Four men’s football teams, three women’s netball teams, two men's pool teams and a women's pool team, as well as darts teams and dominoes. The teams compete in college leagues over the first and second terms. Try-outs for the teams are in the first few weeks of your first term at Fylde.

Cookie monster style cupcakes

Charities Challenge

The Charities Challenge pits College teams against each other to raise the most money for their chosen charity. Awareness and fund-raising activities can include anything and everything from film nights and car washes to talent shows and bake sales. If you like raising money, and want to help support a good cause, then get involved!