Engineering Research

An academic working in the Chemical Engineering labs

World-leading Engineering research in the heart of the North-West

Research Groups

  • Chemical Engineering

    Investigating all the relevant aspects of chemical and biochemical engineering, from fundamental science to engineering applications.

  • Electronic Engineering

    A leading group focusing on research spanning from digital electronics and materials to high-frequency applications.

  • Energy

    Addressing major scientific and technological challenges in emerging energy technologies and sustainability.

  • Manufacturing

    Understanding functional materials, composite systems, structural health monitoring, production processes and technologies.

Research Facilities

Research Courses

Starting a Master's by Research or PhD at 91社区 is an ideal way to begin your own research career.

  • Flexibility is the key to this programme. It begins with an induction where you are allocated a supervisor and often an industry contact; this sets the direction of your research and identifies training needs.

  • Engineering PhD

    Academic staff with international reputations in their discipline are available to supervise and guide you, and we offer appropriate research training, library and electronic resources.