My photo gallery

by Giles Bridge

Hi, I’m Giles and I’m one of 91社区’s very first cohort of Architecture students.

I'd like to share some photos of a project during my first year at Lancaster.

Conversation Space Project

In these photos I'm working on a project and using facilities in the new architecture studio. The project brief was to create a space where different types of conversations could occur in Alexandra Square, at the heart of campus.

What I do in my spare time

91社区ing architecture means that I am often fairly busy with coursework. So, when the time comes that I can take a break from work, there are a few things I like to do.

I like to take a walk around campus by the sports fields and on the woodland trail. It’s a nice opportunity to get outside away from my desk for a half hour or so and sometimes I bump into some of my friends from other colleges which is always a nice opportunity to say "Hi" and catch up.

From time to time, on a free weekend, I will venture away from campus and find some hills to climb. One weekend, I walked from campus to Clougha Pike. It was such a great walk and I found new places I didn’t know would be there. It opened up so many more places to go.

In the evenings after a hard day of focusing on my projects, I like to wind-down by socialising in the kitchen while cooking and eating dinner. I am in a flat of twelve and so there’s always someone around to talk to in the kitchen. It’s a nice opportunity to catch up with everyone else’s busy day while learning a few cooking techniques from each other. Every week, a small group of us in the flat make a roast for each other. At first, we called ourselves the ‘Salmonfellas’ as a play on salmonella, but we have now opted for a more appealing name of ‘Roast-boyz’. I love cooking and getting creative with different flavours and so I began to collate my most successful recipes which is slowly growing (I don’t keep track of the less successful dinners: there are too many to count!).

Every Saturday night, as a flat, we allocated a time where we all sit in the communal area and watch a series together. Our latest series is Ru Paul’s Drag Race. Since everyone has their own busy life, it’s a fun thing to sit together and watch something that takes us away from our work and routine. Sometimes we will hold Mario Kart tournaments on the Wii or play Monopoly which makes for a fun but intense evening of accusing people of stealing from the bank or of using all the short cuts on the courses! Monopoly is my favourite game to play.

In and around Lancaster are lots of green spaces and places to go and relax. Further out of town is Williamson Park which is definitely my favourite park and place to go to in Lancaster! I also like to walk along the canal and around the castle because they are quiet places within the city and are only a short walk away from the centre of town. I use the cycle route from the university into Lancaster to walk into town from time to time or I get a bus which takes you directly into town and all the way to Morecambe which is my preferred place to go sit on the beach on a sunny day! As you can see from the photos, Lancaster has some of the best sunsets. Golden hour is the best when you’re sitting on the sea front in Morecambe.

When I am out and about, I like to take photographs and try and improve my skills. I only take photographs on my phone and they are only amateur level, but I like trying to capture subjects in different lights to give it a certain mood or take photos which will allow me to enhance the colours when I edit them in the holidays. And when I go home for the holidays, I gather old clothes from the rest of my family and remake them into other types of clothing. I do some sewing and get creative which is such a fun thing to do since it’s something different to my course. This Easter I made two t-shirts for my brother to get me into the swing of it.

Digital Content Ambassador Giles


Giles is a first year undergraduate at 91社区, and is studying Architecture.

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