South America Alumni Groups

We have alumni groups in South America, with a range of events and activities for you to take part in. Find your nearest alumni co-ordinator below. 

If there is no active group near you, why not volunteer to start one?

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Alumni Network Coordinators


Alumni Coordinator: Antonieta Hidalgo

Contact information: Email Antonieta directly.

What I'm doing now: At the moment I'm part of the teaching staff for Universidad Chileno Britanica located in Santiago, Chile. I'm also the English Language Co-ordinator and part of the investigation unit.

Why I volunteer: I think it would be nice for us Chileans to have the opportunity to have the space to meet and keep connected to Lancaster and my Lancaster experience through both my MA and PhD could be helpful when acting as co-ordinator. Personally, I work with and know a few Chilean Lancaster graduates and I'm willing to act as a link for both them and other interested Lancaster graduates and visitors.

 Antonieta Hidalgo

Latin America

Alumni Coordinator: Roberto Herbert Portillo Aparicio

Contact information: Email Roberto directly.

What I'm doing now: I'm currently working for SABMiller El Salvador (my home country) in the manufacturing area. SABMiller is one of the biggest Brewing companies around the world, and here in El Salvador they own the National Brewery (“Industrias La Constancia”), The Coca Cola Bottling Plant and a Bottled Water Plant. I?m the Continuous Improvement Leader for the manufacturing area.

I have recently created a relocation Services Company for people coming to work, live or visit the country (“Moving In El Salvador Relocation Services”. As the creator of this company I am part of the executive committee and manage the logistics and operations of the company as Operations Director.

Why I volunteer: Browsing the events on Lancaster?s Alumni website I realized that Latin America has no formal group. I know there are many Alumni in this part of the world and this fact motivated me to start-up an Alumni group for all of us. I made lots of GREAT friends during my time at Lancaster, many of them from Latin America and I want to coordinate this network to strengthen our friendship and make sure all the other Latin American Alumni have the opportunity to do so as well.

Lancaster gave me great things such as education, friends and values, and as a group co-ordinator I want to keep on supporting these learnings and share them with my fellow Alumni by creating a strong network which could build great opportunities for all of us.

 Roberto Herbert Portillo Aparicio

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